22 August 2008

Outsourcing 2.0

CodyB over at Mission Mountain Tech has a project going which uses Amazon's Mechanical Turk to do feature extraction from geospatial imagery, and as a Friend of Cody I've had the good fortune to be able to present a talk on this project a few times now (GeoWeb, CUGOS, etc). [slides now published]

Satish from ESRI termed this "outsourcing for the Web 2.0 generation" and I've been using that as a tagline for the idea of using (some might say exploiting) human capital for projects that any right-thinking engineer would immediately assume should be automated. In Cody's case, finding swimming pools in Dallas.

This morning I stumbled across an article on the Pandora "radio station" which pays (living, breathing, human) musicians to process their music selections -- as opposed to, say, last.fm which uses a social network graph.

I'm now on the hunt for other cutting edge projects and services that have humans in the loop.


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