09 June 2009

A man walks into his dining room...

One day I came home to find flock baby chicks had taken up residence in the dining room.

Sure, they were cute and all. Fuzzy little cheeping things. What's not to like?

But I knew they would grow -- the kids were bound to start feeding these McNuggets, and then where would I be? Not eating in my dining room anymore, that's for sure.

No, no, she said.

You need to build us a Chicken Coop, she said.

A Chicken Coop?, I asked.

Sure, I replied.

I'm an engineer.

I own a chop saw.

Of course I can make a Chicken Coop.

I mean, how hard could it be?

It'd have to be a bit stylish, of course.

Something with plenty of room.

Something the neighbors wouldn't object to.

Ha, I said.

I'll get right on it, I said.

Couple of Saturdays, a bunch of two-by-fours, some old screening.

Ha, I said again.

I'll get right on it, I said.

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